Friday, December 08, 2006

Wordtracker Wisdom: Common Keyword Questions and Answers

Wordtracker Wisdom: Common Keyword Questions and Answers was written by John Alexander and he writes "One of my favorite subjects to teach on at our live SEO Mastery Workshops is that of keyword research and the behavior of a specific target audience using my all time favorite research tool, Wordtracker.

For those who have not heard of, Wordtracker it is a Web based service that will help you discover which keywords and phrases will be most effective for attracting the right audience to your Web site. Not only that, but the service also tells you how competitive your keywords are (or how many other competing Web pages have been optimized with those keywords in mind) plus how many people have actually searched for those keywords in the past within the last 60 days on the major search engines.

Wordtracker can be used for even more powerful things than just "researching keywords." I'll be revealing much more in the future about the impact of researching "visitor behavior" vs. keywords

What is one of the more common mistakes made by new SEO students who are just learning how to research keywords?
One common error that some people make (both new and experienced) when researching keywords, is they tend to have a lot of preconceived keyword phrases in their minds. While this may not seem like a bad idea, the fact is that people sometimes spend hours, days, and even weeks researching hundreds of keywords only to be disappointed in the end when many of the keywords they've chosen, turn out to not have any real pulling power to attract the right traffic. There are many keywords which are just too competitive or worse, some words are not even being searched for. For success you want a keyword phrase that is at least being used by your target audience and ideally, it'll be a phrase with low competition.

Wordtracker has tremendous ability to deliver up extraordinary niche keyword phrases which are in high use by a given target audience and sometimes even with zero competition. I'll be sharing much more about exactly how you can tap into these ideal phrases and how you can do it nearly instantly without spending hours or weeks of research.

What do you mean by the term researching the target audience's "behavior?" Is that not what Web analytics software like Webtrends does?
No, Web analysis software generally tells you about the behavior of visitors within your Web site after they have found you. I am talking about the importance of researching your ideal target audiences behavior long before they ever find your Web site. Wordtracker has tremendous potential to reveal clues as to what your target audience *really* wants or what they might be looking for.

I have searched Wordtracker's report of "most searched for phrases" but I can only find one appropriate keyword phrase? I want more. How do I get more good phrases?
Here are just a few quick tips:

1. Take the one phrase or keyword you found and enter it into "Comprehensive Research" and click Proceed. That should bring out a variety of phrases that are related to the same subject. (I'll be sharing much more on this in the future)

2. Apply a little more lateral thinking about who your target audience is and research a little more about how they may be searching. Thinking "outside the box" mixed with Wordtracker's comprehensive search can be powerful.

3. If you can't find enough gold in the top 1000 "most searched for" phrases you are not thinking laterally enough. It is there, we just need practice learning how to tap into it. But for the sake of argument, if you could not find ANY keywords within the top 1000, did you know that you can actually purchase a killer list of the top 20,000 keywords or the top 100,000 keywords.

I have done well with my keyword research and Wordtracker has helped me to build some great high performance strategies. However, I want to add more great ideas for content (and sell even more product), but I feel like I have really hit a dead end? I think I've already chosen the best keywords.
If at any time you feel that you've hit a dead end, then it's time to stop thinking about your product or service and start using Wordtracker's powerful database to help reveal a new strategy which you could employ. Your focus must be on your target audience's "behavior." Stop thinking in terms of how bad you want to sell the product and start examining how people might be searching for the product. Often you will discover that there can be "multiple target audiences" perfect for your product. You just have not realized it before. I'll guarantee there are many, many, more powerful niche phrases in Wordtracker's database of over 380,000,000 million queries within the last 60 days. To many Webmasters, those powerful killer phrases remain hidden and elusive.

Wordtracker has a feature to help me identify the most common spelling errors. How many misspelled words should I include in my keyword Metatag?
The best thing here, is not to go wild with misspelled words. The keyword Meta Tag has always been a great place to include 2 or 3 misspelled words. As you may know, the keyword Meta tag is not even that influential anymore, but a couple of researched misspells will not hurt things.

TIP: A much more powerful use for an important keyword that you identifyas commonly misspelled, is to try using it in your Google Adwords campaign, if you are running one.

Sometimes I just want to check the validity of one keyword phrase without looking at hundreds of other suggestions returned in Wordtracker's results. Is there any way to do this easily?
Sure. On the main menu under Item 5. Multiple search, choose the second option down called Exact/Precise Search. Using this option will return details on just the specific keyword phrase you are looking for.

I would like to know how Wordtracker is for accuracy?
Wordtracker uses results which are extracted from the Meta search engines so they are actually very pure. In other words, these are numbers which are not skewed by the use of automated querying software.

Which of the major search engines are best to focus on when doing research. I am assuming it is best to spend time studying Google.
I guess it depends on which type of research you are doing. Certainly one of the best search engines to explore for keyword research is MSN. This is not only because a lot of folks are shopping on MSN but because MSN can still be influenced fairly quickly. (Secondary results are coming from Inktomi and for longer 3 or 4 word phrases and you can get real quick exposure by optimizing for results researched in MSN if you use paid inclusion.

On the other hand, if you are researching human behavior more than just keywords, I would stay focused on Google simply because you can discover great opportunities in Wordtracker for "behaviorally related" phrases. Let's face it, most folks (including your target audience) are searching on Google right now so it's still one of the "most revealing" places to help you understand what people are doing online.

About The Author
John Alexander is the Co-Director of Training of Search Engine Workshops with Robin Nobles. Together, they teach 2-day beginner, 3-day advanced, and 5-day all-inclusive "hands on" search engine marketing workshops in locations across the globe. John also teaches online search engine marketing courses through, and he's a member of Wordtracker's official question support team.

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

These 7 Back Link Strategies Will Get You a Top Ranking on Google Guaranteed

These 7 Back Link Strategies Will Get You a Top Ranking on Google Guaranteed was written by Mike Makler and he writes "Google use a very complex function to determine which search results to return, Google is always changing and Modifying that function to better Serve the Search Engine User. The one constant is quality back links. These are pages linking to you without you linking back to them.

1 - Post to Newsgroups

Many Newsgroups will allow you to post links especially if they are related to the topic or question being asked.

2 - Post to Forums

Forums are Similar to newsgroups but they are typically broken down by topic..

3 - Add Comments to a Blog

Many Blogs will allow you to post comments. Find 10 or so blogs a day that are related to your web page and post a comment about your web page. Be sure and use Pingomatic to ping the Blog after you post your comment

4 - Give Testimonials

Send in unsolicited testimonials for products and services you use. Make sure and say You have permission to use the above testimonial.

5 - Circular Linking

There are many strategies involving circular linking. As a simple example you own or operate 2 Web Sites, called Site-1 and Site-2. You can offer a link partner a link on Site-1 if they agree to link to site-2.

6 - Buy Text Ads

Many e-zines are not only sent out via e-mail but are posted on the Internet. By finding an Ezine that keeps that past articles online you can often buy a text ad for a few days get back links

7 - Submit Articles

You can Write and Submit Articles. This might be perhaps the most viral way to get back links. It is not unusual to have your article re-printed in 25 on 50 Web pages the same day you submit it. As other people read these 25 or 50 pages they in turn decide to reprint your article. It is like a snowball rolling down a never ending hill. The More it Rolls the bigger it get and the faster it go's.

About The Author:
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members

Get Mike's Newsletter:
More Articles by Mike:
Permission Based E_Mail Marketing Methods

Copyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

How To Boost Your Keyword Density On Your Web Site To Gain Top Positions At The Search Engines

How To Boost Your Keyword Density On Your Web Site To Gain Top Positions At The Search Engines was written by Rich Hamilton, Jr and he writes "Let's talk about what keyword density is and how to improve your keyword density on your web site. To improve your keyword density ratio there are three parts that we will need address.

Part 1: Content
When it comes to the Search Engines content is king! Yes king! Search Engines want web sites that are rich in content. Content is words that are embedded in text on your web site. Your keyword density ratio is one of the most important ingredients of getting good Search Engine rankings and influences the Search Engines on how to rank your web site accordingly.

For those of you who are not sure what keyword density is and how the Search Engines use it to configure their ranking structure, let me explain. Keyword density is the total number of times your keywords appear within the content of your web page, including text, hyper links, and the ALT tag of your images. I will explain each of them so you will have a clear understanding of the principles. Your keyword density is measured by a simple mathematical formula that is used to configure your keyword density ratio..

To configure your keyword density ratio you must take the number of times a keyword appears in the content of your web site, divide it by the total number of words and that's your keyword density ratio. I will give you a quick example of keyword "Marketing":

The keyword "Marketing appears 47 times in text on your web page and if you have 315 words on your web page, your keyword density ratio would then be 15%.

Obviously the higher your keyword density is, the greater influence you'll have getting the Search Engines to give you a better ranking. Becareful though, you don't want to over repeat the same combination of words and/or sentences just to increase your keyword density. Your website could end up looking like a broken record.

Part 2: Hyper Links
How many times have you seen links that say "Click Here"? A lot huh! If you are currently using this type of linking or going to be linking, then you want to pay attention, because this is really important to your keyword density ratio. I am going to use my web site for these examples so that you can understand clearly.

Example #1
Click Here For The Absolute Truth To Internet Marketing & The Secrets To Online Wealth

If you were to use this type of linking in Example #1. The Search Engines would pick all the "Click Here" hyper links and would think that the words "click here" are keywords that describe the content of your web site.

So remove all the "Click Here's" and replace them with keywords that describe your web site. That is the only way to increase your keyword density when you are using links. You should end up with something like this in Example #2:

Example #2
Inside Internet Marketing The Absolute Truth To Internet Marketing & The Secrets To Online Wealth.

Part 3: Images
First of all if you have images on your web site, the images don't mean squat to the Search Engines. When the Search Engines robots crawl your web site, those images are nothing more than blank spots. The same blank spots are shown to the surfers that have arrived on your web site with the images turned off. You'll find that many surfers surf the web with images turned off.

This is where the alternate tag (ALT Tag) comes into play. The ALT tag is used to describe your image to the surfers that surf the web with images off and most importantly, improves your keyword density. Here is an example of how to install the ALT tag in your images:

When describing the image you want to be very descriptive and use keywords. Most people don't install their ALT Tag properly, for instance, on their logo image they'll use "My Logo" in the ALT Tag. Which is the wrong way to effectively use the ALT Tag, there are no keywords in "My Logo".

About The Author
Rich Hamilton, Jr
Author Of: "Inside Internet Marketing"

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Top 7 SEO Tools

Top 7 SEO Tools was written by Kim Roach and she writes "Search engine optimization is a complex process with many facets. Some of these include keyword research, on-page optimization, off-page optimization, acquiring inbound links, and tracking your rankings.

Fortunately, there are many tools that have been created to aid web masters in each of these tasks.

Below I have reviewed 7 of the top SEO tools so that you can quickly find out what your site needs to rise in the search engines.

First up is the "Cool SEO Tool". I'll let you decide whether or not it lives up to its name..

Cool SEO Tool

This tool allows you to compare your site against the top 10 listed sites in Google for a particular keyword or phrase. You simply enter your keyword and the system will begin comparing 9 different metrics for the top 10 rankings. This allows you to quickly compare the Yahoo rank, MSN rank, Google pages indexed, altavista pages indexed, backlinks to page, backlinks to domain, allinanchor rank, age of url, and whether or not the phrase is on the page.

This tool can unveil extremely valuable information on how you can break into the top 10 search engine positions. Try it out at


Google wants to make sure that webmasters have a way of communicating information that is important about their sites. To accomodate this, they created Google Sitemaps in 2005. Using this tool, you can tell Google when you have created new pages and how often your pages are updated. To get your pages indexed as quickly as possible, it is in your best interest to create a sitemap for Google as well as for Yahoo.

Unfortunately, finding a sitemap generator that is easy to use can be a frustrating task. However, after a lot of digging, I think I've found one that you will like.

At, they have created a sitemap generator that enables you to create a xml sitemap for Google and a text-based sitemap for Yahoo. In addition, the generator can also create an optional HTML sitemap for human visitors.

Go to for step-by-step instructions on how to get started.

Ultimate Keyword Tool

Keywords are the lifeblood of any site. Choose the wrong ones and your site will quickly fizzle. Choose the right keywords and you will start to see an abundance of traffic as well as sales. The key is choosing keyword phrases that aren't viciously competitive and convert well into sales.

For example, did you know that keyword phrases that are 3-5 words long convert into sales much more often than any other keyphrase length? Not to mention, these longer keyword phrases are also usually much easier to rank for.

One of the best keyword tools is provided by

You simply enter in a keyword or phrase and hit sugggest. Once you have done this, the keyword tools will return a variety of data, including:

* overture suggestions of additional keywords
* top overture bid prices
* estimated monthly search volume
* number of Google, Yahoo, and MSN search results
* Wordtracker keyword suggestions
* Google traffic Estimates
* synonyms and....
* additional related keywords using the Adwords keyword tool

For a keyword tool that has it all, go to

Link Popularity

For many of the top search engines, link popularity is one of the top ranking factors. Because of this, there have been a large number of link popularity tools to be released. However, after trying out quite a few of them, I settled on ( This site enables you to find out your link popularity on 8 different search engines.

Monitor Your Search Engine Positions

Monitoring your search engine positions is crucial to any successful marketing campaign. To obtain the highest possible search engine traffic, you must be able to monitor any sudden drops in your rankings. If you don't know where you stand, there is no way you can take corrective measures.

Fortunately, there is a tool that allows you to track all of your keywords for free.

This tool allows you to track:

* numerous keyword rankings

# backlinks
# pagerank and...
# daily, weekly and monthly changes in your rankings. Take control of your search engine rankings at

Link Harvester

Are you looking to do some in-depth link analysis? If so, the Link Harvester is certainly for you. This tool is much more advanced than most link analysis software currently on the market. Link Harvester:

* quickly finds almost every single site that is linking to you
* reports how many pages of your web site are indexed
* reports how many links are pointing to any specific page
* provides links to the Wayback Machine and WhoIs source next to each domain
* reports the total number of inbound links, home page links, and deep link ratio
* quickly grabs the number of .gov, .edu, and inbound links
* indicates if a site links to your site more than 5 times by bolding that particular link in the list of results.

If you find this tool useful, you can even add it to your own site. Link Harvester is open source, so web masters are free to share it and developers are free to improve upon it.

Do your own link analysis at


I consider this the macdaddy of all of the seo tools. Web CEO combines many of the tools above into one solution. In one tool, you can:

* perform keyword mining
* use Web site analysis to improve your rankings
* create link popularity reports
* quickly and easily find potential link partners
* use automated, semi automated, and guided submission to search engines and directories
* manage your PPC campaigns
* analyze your search engine rankings

Take this tool for a spin at

Search engine optimization can be quite a chore, but with a few simple tools, the process is made much easier. Start putting these tools to use and see how they impact your own online business.

Kim Roach is a staff writer and editor for the SiteProNews & SEO-News newsletters. You can contact Kim at:

This article may be freely distributed without modification and provided that the copyright notice and author information remain intact.

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Monday, December 04, 2006

How to Use Keywords to Improve Your Ranking in Search Engines

How to Use Keywords to Improve Your Ranking in Search Engines was written by Kathy and she writes "The importance of keywords

Keywords or key phrases you choose will determine how your site is positioned in the search engines. It is always better to have lots of pages each focusing on a small group of keywords. This will give them more relevance to each individual page.

For example if your site is about shoes you may have lots of different types of shoes.

Your index page should have a menu leading into each of the different categories of shoes.

You might have a page for sandals, one for platform shoes as well as stilettos, court shoes and flat heel shoes..

Choosing keywords
First you have to think like your customer. What would they type into a search engine if they wanted to find the products you are selling.

Use phrases as well as single words. Often someone looking for a product or service will type in several words. For example a customer may want to buy a shoe with stiletto heels. They may type in "stiletto heel shoe", "black stiletto" "stiletto heel","stiletto high heel" or "high heel shoe"

brainstorming keywords.
Start by thinking of as many keywords associated with your site as you can. To make it easier there is a free tool for this which can be found at

It will give you the number of times this word has been searched for in the last month. This will also give you a guide to the popularity of the keyword.

Try looking for similar sites to your own and viewing the source code. This will give you ideas for keywords that your competitors are using. Viewing the source code is easy, just right click the mouse somewhere on the page and click on view source.

A good idea is to open a file in wordpad or other text editor and call it "keywords" then if you find words or phrases relevant to your site copy and paste them into your file. You can then view them offline and even print the page out to study it. This can give you ideas for keywords you may not have thought of.

When you have made a list of keywords relevant to each page you will then need to check the supply and demand if you want an edge over your competitor.

You will already know the demand of each keyword the next thing you need to do is to take a sheet of paper or use a spreadsheet on the computer and make 3 columns naming them keyword, supply, and demand.

In the first column list the keywords that have the highest demand. Then in the supply column type how many times it has been searched for.

Lastly in or type in your keyword surrounded by quotation marks like this "stiletto shoes" and see how many sites come up. They will list the number of sites with that keyword in it.

Go through your list, and see how many have a large demand and lower supply. Of course the idea is to have as many large demand and low supply keywords as possible.

Optimise your site by creating theme based,keyword focused pages for each category of shoes or whatever it is that you are selling.

This will greatly increase your chances of getting a higher ranking in the search engines.

Just concentrate on a couple of keywords in each page.

The title meta tag
The title tag is THE most important part of your webpage. It must appeal to the search engines and also the visitor to your site. The title of your page is used as the link to your site by the search engines and is visible to the reader.

Use your most important keywords in the title. Make the title between 15-20 words in length.

The title must be compelling for people to want to click through to your site.

Don't ever make the mistake of leaving the title tag blank.

Not a good idea if you want an edge over your competition!!

Every page on your site must have a keyword focused title.

The description meta tag
The description tag is also very important and some search engines display it as a summary of your site. Use some important keywords here but don't repeat them more than 3 or 4 times as it could be seen as spamming.

Keyword tag.
This tag is not as important to search engines as it once was, but you should still use it to list your keywords.

The alt tag
This tag is used to describe images and is useful to the visually impaired.
If an image takes a long time to load the alt tag will appear first.
Add keywords to this tag as part of the description.

The main body of text
Place emphasis on your keywords in the first paragraph of the main text, and repeat them several times in the rest of the page. As each page is theme based the keywords will be relevant,and will appear naturally in the body of the text.

You will greatly increase your chances of getting your site in the top positions of search engines if you follow these ideas.

You must however regularly register all your pages with each of the main search engines to make sure the pages are still there as they can suddenly disappear, or drop down from a number 1 position to number 201!!

Normally about once a month is enough.

You can use a site submitter to make this a lot easier.

A good one that I use is or another one is

About The Author
Kathy is an artist and webdesigner for small businesses. She has designed sites for other artists to showcase their work, and has her own online business. Kathy has written several articles on promoting an online business. Visit her site at

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Keywords Finalization Methodology

Keywords Finalization Methodology was written by Rakesh Ojha and writes "To arrive at the set of keywords that:

Describe business correctly (are relevant) Attract traffic (are popular & are searched for) Have less competition (are relatively un-optimized for )


Step I:
Lets start by saying that the for the keyword finalization of a web site the first step is to device the theme of the web site. The keywords then should be generated which are in sync with the themeing structure of the site. The home pages & the other higher level pages should target more general(main theme)keywords. The deeper pages (embedded in subdirectories or sub domains) should target more specific & qualified keywords. Once the sites themes & sub-themes are done, lets start by looking for the keywords..

The finalization of the keywords for any given site can be done in the following way:
Generation of the seed keywords for the site (theme keywords).
Expansion of the seed keywords into key-phrases by adding qualifiers (sub theme keywords)
Generating a larger set of keywords by word play on the key-phrases generated in step II.(sub theme targeting)

Lets take them one by one:

SEED Keywords/Primary keywords:
The seed keywords can be generated by either of the ways mentioned below:
The client provides the terms he feels are relevant to his business.
The SEO firm generates the seed words by understanding the business domain & the business model of the client.

Some outside domain consultant provides them.

Another way of generating seed keywords is to look for the meta tags of the competition web sites.

WARNING: do not place any unnecessary emphasis on these tags. Use them just to generate you seed keywords list.

If one has certain set of keywords then tools like WT & Overture can also be used to arrive at the other relevant seed keywords.

Typically seed keywords are single word. A good number of seed Keywords is between 10-12.

SUB theme Keywords (add Qualifiers)

Now to these seed keywords add qualifiers.

These qualifiers can be anything location/sub-product/color/part no/activity/singular etc.

By utilizing these qualifiers one can expand the list of the seed keywords. Say a good number would be anywhere between 20-30.

Typicaly a sub theme key phrase could be of 2-3 -4 word length.

One recent study suggests that

The typical searcher often uses longer queries. Many contain more than three words. Within three different search engines, keyword distribution data tells a compelling story:

Words in Query LookSmart (%) (%) Teoma (%) 1 27.00 12.76 38.04 2 33.00 22.46 29.59 3 23.00 19.34 18.13 4 10.00 11.89 8.00 5 7.00* 7.86 3.51 6 - 6.19 1.39 7 - 5.47 0.63

LookSmart does not report beyond 5 search terms, instead grouping five or more terms into one category.

Approximately 40 percent of queries in LookSmart have three or more words. About 32 percent in Teoma have three or more. Ask Jeeves has an even higher skew, nearly 62 percent, because of its natural language focus. Within FAST, the database that powers Lycos and others, the average is 2.5 terms. That suggests a similar frequency distribution to LookSmart and Teoma.

Hence we can keep the average length of sub theme keywords at around 3.

Rakesh Ojha is a successful Internet marketer utilizing both pay-per-click marketing and search engine optimization to increase website traffic. To learn more, visit

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Friday, December 01, 2006

How To Choose Keywords Before they Skyrocket in Popularity

How To Choose Keywords Before they Skyrocket in Popularity was written by John Alexander and he writes "Long before the days of researching phrases with the helpful online resources of today, the art of keyword/phrase selection was often left just to guesswork. However, guesswork by today's highly competitive standards is just not good enough. So how is it possible to select a powerful traffic-pulling phrase in this fashion without researching it in real time? Better yet, is it possible to choose such a phrase and get positioned before it becomes popular?

Well of course it requires some research, but in a slightly different way. Every single day, we have a world of information that happens all around us. With all of the focus on the Internet these days, we need to also consider giving our attention to other medias as well. We have television programs, we have the news and the radio which all bring us current and upcoming events. With the news itself, there are often many ideas that can help the SEO to really think and plan ahead for some truly unique optimization strategies. I am talking about the potential of developing part of your client strategy around an upcoming newsworthy event. Of course it needs to be relevant and useful to the target audience. It also needs to genuinely "relate".

If at first, it does not sound that exciting, let's think about it and give you an example.

Here is a simple example.
If I were promoting a video store online right now, one of the things that I might be doing would, would be to optimize a page for the single search phrase "Johnny Eck." Perhaps an information or a tribute page would work.

But wait....Who was Johnny Eck, you ask?
A way back in 1932, there was a movie by Todd Browning called "Freaks" starring a man named Johnny Eck. The film "Freaks" was about the fictionalized lives of physically and mentally challenged people who, in them days, were exploited in what were commonly called "freak shows". Johnny Eck just so happen to be born into this world without the lower half of his body and was just one of the "main actors" exploited in this rather unusual film which marked the end of Todd Browning's career as a Director.

Although you may have never heard of Johnny Eck, in over 60 years you can count on the fact that everyone will soon know who he is. The film "Freaks" (1932) already has a tremendous cult film following around the world.

So why optimize a page for a film which is over 70 years old?
What many people may not be aware of, is that a brand new movie based on the lives of Johnny Eckhardt is currently being produced. The new movie has a big budget, good script, and you can be certain that many, many people are going to plan to see this film on it's release. There's no way to predict for certain, but it'll probably be quite a blockbuster.

Simple Strategy: Optimize well and relate to the audience
As part of the strategy, you could prepare this optimized page offering to sell the old movie, which is now available on video. On the same page, I would talk about the film. I would write about my remembrances of seeing it for the very first time. As strange as the film is, it makes quite a statement about the how so called "normal looking" people can be very cruel.

You could talk about the film, review it. Talk about how it made you feel. Really try to relate to the audience. In creating the content, you would write for voice, just like you were talking to an old friend. At the same time, offer some trivia or anecdotes about how the film was made. I would prepare the page and get it ranked firstly for the phrase "Johnny Eck" and perhaps secondly around the name of the old film.

The Traffic Payoff:
Usually when a new "big name" movie is released, there is always a tremendous flurry of activity on the Internet by movie goers who enjoy looking up information about it. When they start searching for info on the new film and your pages come up in the top ten, they'll also be reminded about the old film and quite possibly want to purchase it. In this type of promotion, don't take the page down after the movie comes out because you may get double waves of heavy traffic. Actually, if you're lucky the whole routine is going to happen all over again when it's released on video usually six to eight months later. Might there be a third wave when it finally makes it to DVD?

Fine Tune Your Thinking:
Think along these lines, now ask yourself if there may be value to optimizing a page around other big events that are definitely scheduled to happen. The use of a new movie release is only one idea, amongst hundreds of others. If you practice thinking this way, you can develop strategies for retail, professional clients or even business-to-business Web sites. Newsworthy events happen all the time.

* Do you think "the Olympics" might benefit a sporting goods store which offers an overview of the various participants.

* Do you think that a scheduled tour of a famous rock group might influence traffic to a music site offering a contest for free tickets?

* How might that upcoming children's film influence traffic to a toy store?

These are only a few quick examples but learn to think laterally about news events. Take full advantage of the media in its entirety to bring maximum benefit to your clients. It's just a matter of paying close attention to those big scheduled events and creatively examining how these might benefit a your strategy.

In the scenario I explained above, it would be ideal for a video store who is selling old classic films to (if they have any films available starring Johnny Eck) to take advantage of the public interest that might be generated by a new movie.

By the time the film is released, (assuming it is created at all) I expect there will be a flurry of interest about this actor's life and any old films he may have appeared in.

About The Author
John Alexander is the Co-Director of Training of Search Engine Workshops with Robin Nobles. Together, they teach 2-day beginner, 3-day advanced, and 5-day all-inclusive "hands on" search engine marketing workshops in locations across the globe. John also teaches online search engine marketing courses through, and he's a member of Wordtracker's official question support team.

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