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Understanding the indexing strategy

Understanding the indexing strategy was written by Jason Lee and he writes "The very first and best way to get higher global ranking with search engines is to get indexed with the popular search engines. However, if you own a big website that has multiple web pages offering different products and services, you need to know how many of your web pages are indexed by the search engines.

To know it, you can simply become a customer of your own company--type the name of your company or any particular product as a keyword in any search engine, and see if the search engines provide the link to the page you are looking for! If you are getting where you want to go, you are on right track; however, if you are not able to locate a link to your company's site, there might be two specific reasons for this--either your site is new and search engines have not reached to your web pages, or you are banned or blacklisted by search engines due to some unethical reasons. To know these reasons and also to eliminate them, you will need the help of a professional search engine optimization company that can provide a comprehensive and effective solution..

Inclusion ratio of web pages by search engines

You must know how many web pages of your website are indexed by the international and regional search engines in order to determine how your site is doing. If the inclusion ratio is below 50%, then you are in real trouble--your site is not reaching to the clients, and therefore, you are not getting the leads. Almost all the international search engines provide the facility to know how many pages are indexed for a particular website. Google, Yahoo, and MSN provide a "site:" operator that gives you the links to the pages of the website that are indexed by these search engines. Creating a site map for your website and RSS feeds are the two most common and effective methods used for getting all the pages of website indexed by search engines.

Blocking-stones for page indexing

You must understand how spiders of search engines index the pages of your website. The spiders like to have a link that is HTML based, and therefore, JavaScript, Flash, frames, and cookies can cause problems in the indexing process of search engines. If the developer of your site has depended too much on these technologies, and the web pages can't be displayed with the help of these technologies, your web pages have bleak chances of getting indexed! Anything other than HTML won't work for search engine spiders! The size of the pages is another factor that can limit the indexing--most spiders index only the first 100,000 characters of your web page. This is too much of space but if you use heavier technologies for coding, they are eaten up in a short while!

Frequent downtime and maintenance for the site is also a roadblock in indexing process, as you must be up on server and available when the spiders are roaming to index your site.

About the Author
Jason Lee is a Free Lance Technical writer for http://www.5minutetranslate.com a Global Translation Solution for webmasters and http://www.team-search-engine-marketing.com an online resource for Search Engine Optimization. Indepth information on the article above can be found by clicking on the links above.

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